Although asbestos is the best-known cause of asbestosis and mesothelioma, inhaling asbestos fibers can cause another variety of problems. The specific mechanism by which fibers cause cancer and other diseases is still under debate but what is clear is that once the fibers enter the body they can no longer be extracted and cause lung problems years after exposure has ceased
Some of these problems can be precursors to serious diseases such as mesothelioma and lung cancer. When the thin asbestos fibers that are like needles enter the pleura - the two membranes that line the lungs - they cause these layers to thicken. If this is expended over a wide area and interferes with breathing, what is known as diffuse pleural thickening is caused. If the thickening is restricted to small areas, these areas are called pleural plaques.
Some of these problems can be precursors to serious diseases such as mesothelioma and lung cancer. When the thin asbestos fibers that are like needles enter the pleura - the two membranes that line the lungs - they cause these layers to thicken. If this is expended over a wide area and interferes with breathing, what is known as diffuse pleural thickening is caused. If the thickening is restricted to small areas, these areas are called pleural plaques.

Pleural effusion, another possible symptom of mesothelioma, is the name for the presence of fluid between the two layers of the pleura. It is usually caused as a result of heart failure, but the irritation caused by asbestos fibers can also cause it. These are not carcinogenic episodes, but pleural thickening or pleural effusion seen on an x-ray may be a visible symptom of mesothelioma
Other pathologies caused by asbestos but not related to cancer are dangerous. Obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a common disease caused many times by tobacco. Although an unquestionable link between COPD and asbestos inhalation has yet to be established, in non-smokers it is known that COPD is caused as a result of inhaling toxins, usually in the patient's work environment. Asbestos is sometimes one of those toxins.
Another disease that can be derived from environmental factors is what is known as interstitial lung disease. This disease has many causes, from an infection derived from chemotherapy drugs to asbestosis. Since there are many causes and many factors that influence there are many treatments for this disease and that will depend on the particular symptoms of the patient. If left untreated, this disease can cause pulmonary fibrosis or scarring of the lungs
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