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Non Conventional Therapies for Mesothelioma

Non conventional therapies for mesothelioma include alternative and complementary treatments, as well as any unconventional treatment that uses nutritional supplements, meditation and any medical therapy that has not been corroborated. 

These non-traditional treatments are usually administered together with other more conventional therapies, in this case they are known as complementary treatments. More than 70 percent of cancer patients use a type of complementary therapy, however there is little literature on the use of it in patients with mesothelioma. Alternative treatments refer to those techniques that seek to replace established treatments, such as surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

Vitamin C

The Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling was the greatest advocate of the effectiveness of vitamin C as an alternative treatment to cancer. However, today the use of vitamin C is one of the most controversial alternative treatments. Working together with a doctor in Scotland, Pauling treated cancer patients with Vitamin C, their results being optimal. However, there are other studies that show the lack of effectiveness of this vitamin.Pauling maintained the belief in the effectiveness of vitamin C, basing the same on the fact that the vitamin plays an important role in different biomechanical reactions of the body. It is essential in the growth of the effectiveness of the immune system and helps to create collagen, which is a protein that connects and supports tissues such as tendons, ligaments and cartilages. Collagen also helps strengthen muscles, blood vessels and bones. It is believed that collagen helps prevent cancer from metastasizing.


It is a partially synthetic compound that comes from celandine, a fairly common herb. It contains a series of alkaloids and is combined with a chemotherapy drug called Thiotepa to make Ukrain, which is given to patients intravenously. It has been used in medical studies of people with colon rectal cancer, inflamed bladder, and breast and pancreatic cancer. A review of these studies showed that the patients had improved, although the study methodology was flawed. A more rigorous investigation is needed so that they can be exposed.


The root of the Astralago plant found in China has been used in medicine for thousands of years to regenerate energy. Today the Chinese believe that an Astragalus injection in combination with chemotherapy can reduce tumor growth, stimulate immune function and alleviate some of the side effects of chemotherapy. A review of 34 clinical trials of Astragalus concluded that this herb increased the effectiveness of platinum-based chemotherapy, but more studies are needed.  

Cat's claw


This vine from South America whose scientific name is Uncaria tormentosa has thin spines at the base of each leaf that resemble the nails of cats. Traditional Peruvian medicine has used this plant for years to treat cancer, arthritis, gastritis and other epidemic diseases. The findings in the conventional studies that have been done on the cat's claw are conflicting, although in 1998 a study confirmed its anti-inflammatory effects.


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